Welcome to Beach Waves Hair n Beauty Parlour

Calm,but Alert,Relaxed but ready,Smooth but sharp,Humble but confident,consistence the key to SUCCESS

Expertise Areas

Allow your body, mind and soul sense a haven of tranquility

Beach Waves Parlour Hair and Beauty is a hair salon that allows both male and female individuals to have their hair needs satisfied in one convenient visit. Without disputing, there are quite a number of quick fix salons like Beach Waves Parlour Hair and Beauty and we are set to make a difference. At Beach Waves Parlour Hair and Beauty Salon, it is a different ball game altogether, as maximum flexibility and sturdy customer attention is to a large extent guaranteed. Beach Waves Parlour Hair and Beauty without mincing has plans in place to become the one stop hair salon when satisfying her clients comes to mind. As such, we will sure gain significant market share and create serious long-term relationships with our clients.

Want to make booking or have a question?

Call us on 021 6851101 / 27 648125979 or simply book an appointment

What Are You Waiting For...

Make an appointment

Our location

44 Raapenberg Road

1005 Otto Duplessis Drive
Big Bay Beachfront

Opening Hours

Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm
Sat: 9am-3pm
Sun: per clients request


Phone: (021) 685-1101/ +27 64 812 5979
Email : bwavesclassytrivine@beachwaveshairnbeautypalour.com